Monday, November 27, 2006

And So She Fell Apart....

And so she fell apart...

As she read that book to be written
And those pages to be torn
A fabrication written in black ink
-of a fable-like bliss
never to exist.

She was murdered
by her own sins.


i am so busy, i dont even think i have time to breathe
i cant wait for this last year to end
and part ways no matter what unravels with the days...

Friday, November 24, 2006

Random Loves Me ( He Said So)

*i started reading a novel at 9 pm and finished it at 1 am. ( everything and the moon i give to you)

*who came up with na7oo - i'd like to give that person a piece of my mind -physically (oft..i just cant seem to soak that crap into my head)

*i think a new blog layout is deem fit to spice this battlefield...(processing a new theme)

*i've done nothing productive except sleep from 1 pm thursday until 2ish in the evening this seems for the past few days i sleep and awake at 2 pm...(i ususally wake early on the weekends..and to think how can you be productive if you sleep ;) the irony)

*when i fall in love with something, i keep to it for awhile and hours later, i hate constant love springs about hate...(i'm talking about songs. etc.)

*8 minutes into the show 'Ugly Betty' the latest eposide...i stopped it unintentionally, but then i didnt even bother to resume from where i left off....the show seems to have lost its touch.
*i am two steps away from screaming with joy, first i have to write a couple of words overcoming something and push the send button and i'm off and about....(no more constrained thoughts...i'll beg no pardon ;) at least temporarily not yet)

*i think i shall start another book, screw na7oo i'll cramp for it tomorrow....but i will refrain from finishing the book...i need something to get me through another joyous week of school (sacrasm intended)

*i offered you a box of not chocolates...just pesky insects... cause that is what you are ...(night)

*why do you give my hopes away?...>?

*dont you just love my random titles...they are never related to my posts most of the time...:)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

I'm Getting Too Old For This.

this is how she comes clean
yes, my desktop.

im tired now
clearing the junk exhausted me
going to bed
this post sucks
also, oh never mind...(you wouldn't understand if) i mentioned it.

i miss

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lost In A Painting...

Paint me in earth tone acryllics
Stroke thy canvas with bristoles
Resort neither to reconstruct a figment being
nor acidify feelings
Just sweetness
Astound with pleasure
Ablaze features

Tainted, alas you stroke my skin
I'll be patient and flee after
ill used

This week of mine:

Saturday: erm i can't recall
Sunday: oh yes, plotting a skim and falling in a trap
Monday: ditch
Tuesday: bright with contrasts, screw reflections oh 'such' much...
Wednesday: yet to be known...

i am thinking of doing something, but those thoughts keep lagging behind in my tracks...i think burying them is better then settling with dust.

good night

Monday, November 20, 2006

I Bite You, 'Recollect'

You touch my lips; graze the dust that accumulated with your absence.
You undo the memories; the recollections that blinded my eyes.
I can see again - a shame.

You touch my legs, they can move again; the ligaments no longer crumpled.
They can endure your walking away.

You relapse conversing with sanity, my senses shudder.
Ironic, you are a figment stemming my imagination.
But I felt nothing.

You touch my ears; I hear no more crude remarks slipping from your lips.
You cover my mouth, I can breathe no longer or spark the hurt of 'recollect'.

So I bit you.

-your battlefield

i guess i couldnt stay away from you, i am back again. 7 days away (such a long while). your my addiction, i can i can never turn away from you.


i love you.
(no one else but you ;) )

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I Will Not Miss You, Be That For Sure.

I can not come up with words, I am wordless. I just noticed that this november I've only posted twice and thats the least number of posts per month for my blog. I think what I need now is a separatation from blogger, we no longer meet halfway. Its aggravating me , making me senseless. It's taking hell of an effort to assort all the thoughts lavishing my mind, but they seem to blur and distort themselves whenever the keyboard and my fingers dance. I am lost, and therefore the ryhthm is destroyed. I shall focus not on this blog now. I am not quiting, these words I speak are just my blabs of nonsense but be it with that, I think I am going to take a break

dear reader, thou you do not care
i am no longer writing here at least for the (couple of) week(s)
i might back out but anyways,

dear blogger
we finally part
but just for sometime.

i will not miss you, be that for sure.

Friday, November 10, 2006


I'm utterly speechless, aggravated with irrelevance. Can't you compensate with love and bend to your knees? Obey my commands, kneal before me. Crawl about my feet. Lower your voice, shackle your hands behind your back and give in easily. Trust me, fighting the forces will bring you nothing. I will use you as I please. I will graze and prick your skin pathetically. You will curse undoubtfully. But you haven't listened to what I've said. You've fallen prey to the predator of thou's heart. Thus deserving thou's shame, I abstain from pleasure. For heavens sake, haven't you guessed already!?!! I care to feed you pain not bliss....damn you for thinking more than what already is.

am rusty, its been awhile since i've written something here...hope you like (i'm mixing tenses but i dont give a damn this moment in time)
i'm loving the cold breeze...its great for going to the beach

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I Forfeit...Do As You Please

breathing sin
tortorous fingertips
blaze this desire
i'm too tired

i forfeit
holding myself back
was useless

