Friday, November 10, 2006


I'm utterly speechless, aggravated with irrelevance. Can't you compensate with love and bend to your knees? Obey my commands, kneal before me. Crawl about my feet. Lower your voice, shackle your hands behind your back and give in easily. Trust me, fighting the forces will bring you nothing. I will use you as I please. I will graze and prick your skin pathetically. You will curse undoubtfully. But you haven't listened to what I've said. You've fallen prey to the predator of thou's heart. Thus deserving thou's shame, I abstain from pleasure. For heavens sake, haven't you guessed already!?!! I care to feed you pain not bliss....damn you for thinking more than what already is.

am rusty, its been awhile since i've written something here...hope you like (i'm mixing tenses but i dont give a damn this moment in time)
i'm loving the cold breeze...its great for going to the beach


Blogger Sedna said...

The weather is amazing. Enjoy it babe :) Keep writing and you'll never feel 'rusty'

12:43 AM  
Blogger Dakhtour said...

Talking About the weather... I guess u should c el eghbaaar today :P

3:19 PM  

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